Tuesday 29 April 2008

Who are we?

We are the smiley milers and this is our very first blog. You should hopefully get contributions at various intervals from myself (Damian), Jen, Dave, Steve, Laura and John. We will be sharing the route with you on the right menu, telling you a bit about ourselves, giving useful links, updating you on our training plan and most of all updating you during our ride. First things first, we are riding circa 1000 miles for cancer research with the aim of also raising £10,000. Please visit our fund raising page via the link on the right. Please don't be shy to contribute either :)


The Smiley Milers said...

Who on EARTH would agree to do such a thing? I'm on strike from training until th weather gets better...... it may be a while by the looks of things!!

The Smiley Milers said...

Dave and I did 50 today and we're feeling a little tired.... how the ell we're going to do 30 more than that for 13 consecutive days I don't know! Jen

The Smiley Milers said...

From the Wise One - just in case we get famous after this event, we ought to start thinking about possible fund raising methods. We ought to start collecting our slightly soiled lycra (ssl) for auction one day in the future. Many a woman would give £££££s for steve redgraves once-dampened-pants (Dave)

The Smiley Milers said...

Jen and i did the "to work and back" thing today again - 50 miles total,with a slight detour to get fish from Waitrose!! Despite a rest yesterday I'm knackered? we have to do 83 miles on the first day!! Mmmm got a bit to do between now and then. steve keeps knocking out the 25 milers at least once a day (started doing it at 6.30am)!! His bloody bed can't be that comfy, thats all I can say.

The Smiley Milers said...

wait...Jon and I never signed up to sit in a Van with sweaty lycra maturing for two weeks!!
...And yes, we have been training as well. I have been doing at least 50 miles a day, Monday to Friday come rain or shine! ...We're getting quite good at driving now actually.

Cactusnic said...

Hello Smiley Milers! Good luck with your JOGLE. I shall follow you with interest.

I too am doing a JOGLE with some mates. We are at www.jogle.eu

Blogsmile said...

It's great to read your daily blog - very upbeat. We're following you on the map. You've all done very well (In the style of young Mr Grace!)