Monday 4 August 2008

Day 13 - Lands End and The End...well nearly

Firstly, I will apologise again due the lateness of this blog, in Watergate Bay, Newquay we have had no mobile reception and I must admit after finishing Friday my mind was on family and alcohol and not updating the the combination of everything has meant I am now updating this in the comfort of my home!!! So here goes.....

On day 12 we managed to complete 84 miles in the torrential rain basically riding down the A30 as this was the most direct route to Lands End although awful in terms of safety...not really recommended as a cycle route, but when needs must!!

We awoke this morning in our luxury holiday accommodation in Watergate Bay (The Beachcombers accommodation), my wife and kids and Steve's wife had been there since Tuesday so things were already setup and organised for us when we arrived Thursday night. We went to the The Phoenix restaurant on Thursday evening, defintely recommended, they have fantastic food and a good selection of beers (local and other)....I cant wait to read back over these blogs as I get the feeling it may have become more of a pubs\beer guide of the UK rather than a cycle challenge!!! We only had 27 miles to cover today and we decided to take it a bit easier this morning and not set off in the van to Redruth (our stopping point of yesterday) until about 8:15 this allowed me to have a family breakfast which was great. Today was not bad weather at all, completely different to yesterday so it already felt the right thing to have done to stop yesterday and complete our ride this morning. We were all feeling good today, its amazing how the aches and pains soon disappear when things are looking up and the adrenaline starts to take over. We got to Redruth, got our bikes out, had a group hug...well kind have to be careful having group hugs at roundabouts off main roads wearing lycra!!! Off we went back onto the A30 for our last 27 miles of this challenge...this felt good...the roads were undualting and although hills will never be the same as those round Loch Ness on our way to Fort Augustus there were still some challenges for us to overcome on our way to Lands End. We all had different timings for when we felt the adrenaline really kick in that we had made the end....mine (Damo) kicked in at the 16 mile sign for Lands End....I was like Tigger on drugs and couldnt stop talking and becoming the american style the 8 mile stage Steve and Jen and to give me some sedation to bring me down as I was on a really high (p.s. for the children reading this, no drugs were really taken this is all metaphorically kids understand this word?) I think Jen and Steves adrenaline kicked in at the 4 miles left stage.

The ride to Lands End wasnt as bad as we had imagined given all the stories you hear about lands end being very hilly etc..we will admit it did have its hills and some were definetly unwelcomed when you are trying to get to the end but nothing to major to slow down the adrenaline. These last 27 miles were ridden straight out, so there is not much in terms of events on the ride itself......a few things I can think off were the hills (already mentioned), seeing others cycling towards having just set off on their LEJOG adventure and us being very glad that wasnt us and perhaps my most memorable moment of the ride was seeing my family drive past us as we cycled up one of the hills racing towards Lands End before we got there to great us...see them this just found me more speed. Upon seeing the finish line we all lined up to cross the line together with John and Laura holding congratulations tape across the line and our families and a crowd of tourists all cheering and clapping us as we finished....this was just a wonderful feeling and something I don't we will ever forget. This was also the point (just as we finished) that a complete stranger came out of the crowd and gave me £5 sponsorship. As I have commented so many times throughout this blog, we am humbled and overwhelmed by the generosity of people throughout this whole experience..this started from our friends, family and work colleagues donating so much money to get us to our £10k target before we started to the complete strangers who gave us cash on route across the whole of the UK....a huge thank you to everyone you know who you are.

At the finish we had banners wrapped rounds us, champagne was popping and photos were being taken by the dozen. We also went and sorted out our certificates with the End to enders club and then as per usual went in the bar at Lands End to celebrate...all in all we were at Lands End for about 4 hours before we left. ...we left back to our base in Newquay and went back to the Phoenix to celebrate and have dinner. Tomorrow (Saturday) we are booked in at Jamie Olivers restraurant (Fifteen) at watergate bay (just across the road from our accommodation)...which is our proper celebratary lunch.

We covered 27 miles, at an average of 14.5mph in a riding time of 1hr 55mins.

Why The Title: Well has you can tell the weekend continued for us so although this is Lands End and the end of our cycle challenge...we want to update you on the next few days after our ride and for you and for our memories we want to read over the blog we captured and add lots of other stories to it that we never wrote during the ride and finally I would like all the team to write something of their personal experience of the challenge, the highs and the lows, the experiences, favorites memories, what it felt like when we finished, how it was to support the challenge etc Lands End and the End .....well nearly.

P.S. not forgetting putting together a slideshow of all the keep this link and come back soon.


damos mum said...

This is the blog I have been excitedly waiting for. Once again a big Congratulations! and hug from me to you all. It is great to read your final day.

By the way I always wondered about you Damo hugging in lycra in public!

Well done Damo, Steve and Jenny for showing that us girls have the stamina. Big thanks to Jon and laura for their continued support with Dave who did help with a good deal of cycling before his injury and continuing to support them.

Also to Lynn for helping keep this updated as well.

What am I going to do now with my time.

big hugs xxx

Blogsmile said...

Hello Smiley Milers,

It's great to catch up on the final, triumphant episode. We've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogs on your epic journey - they've been really upbeat and informative, when we know that at the end of a hard day's cycling the last thing that you probably felt like doing was to sit down and write up your notes. So well done for that. Congratulations to you all. It sounds much easier when we read it in print, but a terrific lot of blood sweat and tears must have gone into achieving your targeted journey. You all played a vital part in helping each other along the way. The teamwork was essential to your success. And what a success!! Well done,

Mo and Keef

the smiths said...

Well done again guys (& gals)

I'm running a bit low on material but here goes.
Bike of the day jokes

Why don't elephants ride 10 speed bikes?
no thumb to shift the gear

How do you know if there is an elephant in the pub?
His bike is outside.

What do you call two elephants on a bicycle?

How do you know if there are two elephants in the pub?
There's a dent in the cross-bar.

How do you know if there are three elephants in the pub?
Stand on the bike and look in the window.

the smiths said...

Dont read if easily offended.

A crusty old biker (Dave), with bugs in his teeth, on a summer ride in the country, walks into a tavern and sees a sign hanging over the bar which reads:



HAND JOB: £1000.00

Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, Dave walks up to the bar and beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender serving drinks to a meager looking group of farmers.

"Yes?" she inquires with a knowing smile, "Can I help you?"

"I was wondering," whispers Dave, "Are you the young lady who gives the hand-jobs?"

"Yes," she purrs, "I am."

Dave replies, "Well wash your hands, I want a cheeseburger."

Mary said...

Thanks for posting. You really had a great stay at Newquay holiday accommodation, I suppose. I also find you're pictures great. So, where is your next biking destination?