Saturday 28 June 2008

Pub Fund Raising NIght (Damo)

Well it happened and we raised a bucket load of money....the Pub fund raising was not only a huge success in raising money it also was a huge success in terms of managing to give a me a stonking headache this morning :).

What a great night we had, there was singing courtesy of the pubs local 'international' entertainer Anton...and he was great...supported by the legendary 'Bob on Geetar'. We had a raffle whereby it was more like a 'hook a duck' as there were more prizes than people ..."everyones a winner" this went down great and I am sure Bob the Butcher will love his bat and ball set and his botanics lotions!!..we had an auction where Jaimie and Dave managed to buy back our stuff...have you not spent enough money on the trip...mind you it was all alcohol they bought....not sure they will want it this morning mind you.... not if their head is banging like mine. We had an impromptu game of Cards Bingo whereby Anton duped everybody into buying into the game on the basis they could win half the money and the other half goes to our charity only to be told ...well bullied really into donating all the proceeds to us when he had got the money off everyone....well done Anton a great tactic. I finally left at about 12:30 this morning leaving them to carry on with the old amber nectar.

It was a hugely successful night probably raising in the region of £400-£500.

Not that many of any of those in the pub will read this blog but I will take the opportunity anyway to thank the landlords of the The Plough for allowing us to hold the event in their pub, a big thank you to Anton and Bob for providing excellent entertainment throughout the whole night and it was still going when I left. Finally a huge thank you to all the very generous people of Norwell for making the night so successful. Well done and thank you to all...I am now off to see how I do 50 miles with an headache and 4 hours sleep...this is going to be interesting!!!. Damo

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