Thursday 31 July 2008

Day 11 - Stairway to Devon and a 1976 cod found

We awoke this morning determined to get on with what we thought would be one of our more difficult days, having to cover 73 miles on Day 11 of our challenge. We got up early (ish) and sorted ourselves out and got on our way by about 8:30. We left the campsite expecting the hills we had heard so much about starting straight away... however we were in for a bit luck as the first 35 miles were pretty easy going, and how thankful were we! We were going to stop after 20 miles for breakfast, however there wasn’t really anywhere to stop, so we decided to eat what we had on us and continue on to the first real stop at the 35 mile stage. The weather at this stage was that fine rain.. the kind of rain that soaks you through! We stopped at a roadside cafe that was really good called "Poppins". They provided us free tea and coffee and donated £4 to our cause.... yet again, we meet generous people along our route.

When we left here this is when we had a few climbs which by now we are all climbing in 1st gear...a bit of steepness of the hill and a bit of the old muscles not having the power anymore. After one of the big climbs we came down the hill to Dave standing there offering us chocolate ... what a silly question... would you like some chocolate?!! This went down very well, just before another big and long climb which we didn’t mind as it was steady and powered by the chocolate.

We then met the support guys again at another roadside cafe called the log cabin where they sold fantastic Cornish pasties.. it would have been rude not to have one, so we indulged! The support guys then left us to get to the campsite and we headed off on what turned out to be quite a good route with just a couple of very steep down-hills followed by very steep inclines, however all in all not as bad as we expected.

We eventually arrived in Dolton at 4:30. The campsite is not that good and not recommended. The facilities are somewhat missing... all very old and dirty... don’t come here. This follows through to the pub at the end of the campsite... although very friendly, the food was somewhat deep-fried. Now the title - why? Dave ordered fish and chips and the fish had been caught during the cod wars of the 1970s where it had been frozen until this week and deep fried for 42 hours and presented as a main course in 2008. Dave is now going to use the batter as flip flops for use in the shower block!! As you can tell we are impressed with this place! We now have 1 full day of cycling left and we are going to head straight for Lands End and see how close we can get to it... depending on the terrain. Our aim is to complete at least 90 miles tomorrow which would leave us about 30 miles for Friday, which will mean a finishing time just in time for the pubs opening ... hooorah! Thanks for reading and please continue with the comments...we are nearly there everyone...We covered 74miles at an average of 13.5 and a riding time of 5hrs 35.Toodle pipThe Smiley Milers

Pictures -

1 (top) Leaving Glastonbury
2 Steve & Jen entering Devon
3 Damo & Steve entering Devon
4 Chocolate Break
5 Lunch at the Log Cabin
6 In the pub

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Day 10 - more pictures

Good tarmac

Map 4 of 5 complete Setting off from Travelodge to Glastonbury

Severn Road Bridge
Steve & Jen on Severn Bridge

View from Severn Road Bridge

Day 10 - Uphill and Rainy

This morning started off promising in terms of the weather. We were able to sort the bikes out and pack off Lynn, Jaimie and the kids, and we set off on our 66 mile bike ride heading for breakfast in about 15-20 miles. Within 20 minutes the heavens opened and that lasted for pretty much the whole ride. Today was always going to be a fairly tough ride as we were heading into the hilly south and it didn't fail us - we hit a huge hill as soon as we started which really helped the old muscles warm, and all the way to breakfast we had some good(?) hills. After breakfast we headed for Bristol and again the hills did not fail us as we passed through Chepstow and headed towards the Severn Road Bridge. This was definitely a highlight of the trip, as just riding across the bridge and the views were amazing... really glad we got the chance to go across the bridge. We hit Bristol city centre, which seemed a very nice place and somewhere we would like to visit again, after asking a couple of people to point us in the right direction and out the other side of Bristol we had got through it and were heading towards lunch. Before I continue, it must be stated that the signposts in England are not as good as those in Scotland. This is really noticeable and doesn't help, as you end up stop/starting throughout the ride. The rain did stop as we passed through Bristol and the sun came out for a bit. We stopped at the Travellers Rest for a pub lunch; they had stopped serving but still gave us lunch to help us on our journey. The landlord also donated £20 to us. The support we are having and the donations have just continued throughout this journey which is fantastic. From here the support guys headed for campsite at Glastonbury as we did, however there were a number of huge climbs to tackle and then a wonderful descent into Wells which made the climbs almost worthwhile, and it did lift our spirits to push on to the campsite. We arrived at the campsite at about 5pm ish to the tents already being put up... which, after the ride and hills, was really really welcomed.. not forgetting the nice cuppa as well. The campsite (the Old Oaks touring park) was fantastic with excellent facilities and we would definitely recommend this to anyone. We went into Glastonbury for the evening and had great pizzas at Gigis - again definitely recommended. Damian (as usual) over ordering head on, but on this occasion the gannets finished it all off. We then went to the pub for a bit of rescue remedy, otherwise known as beer. (Dave keeps going on about him driving and drinking so I have pointed this out here). None of us had been to Glastonbury before and we all really liked the town and would like to head back there again. So all in all, a tough wet, muggy and hilly day - but we did it. We covered 66 miles in 5hrs 13 mins riding time at an average of 12.6. Tomorrow we will be very near to the landing spot of Lands End ... we will be in Devon at a place called Dolton. Apologies for the deay in the blog updates, but we are having problems with phone reception... pigeons are on order! See you tomorrow. The smiley milers.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Day 9: Downhills and Sunshine

Kenley Barn....what a fantastic campsite; well recommended for any camping/touring holiday not just for those of us doing a JOGLE. Today the sun continued to shine even hotter than yesterday and even earlier. We got up this morning, had a great shower as this is amazing at Kenley Barn campsite, and before we got on our way had a couple of donations. The first came from one of the other guests (out of the 3 groups of us) the granny of the family came up to us and blessed us on our ride and gave us £20, how fabulous is that? Also when we were leaving ,the campsite owner told us that the cost of our stay was going to be donated back, which equalled another £45. So another £65 for the pot. We have had this sort of generosity all along the ride.

We rode out of the campsite and immediately hit a very steep hill and because it was within the first mile of the ride it was pretty tortuous.. well it warms the muscles up quickly! The roads were undulating today but, with the sun shining, we quickly got 20 miles under our belt and were in Ludlow having some breakfast and a cuppa. We didn’t stop for long and decided to get another 30 miles completed before we stopped for lunch. The 30 miles took us the whole length of the A49 to Wormelow which is where we had tea and cream scones for the first time ...must mean we are getting closer to our final destination :-) After lunch we had a further 20 miles to cover which were fairly uneventful apart from a few very unwelcome climbs, particularly into Monmouth and with sun beating down (not complaining though) this made it even harder. We made it through Monmouth and tonight we were staying at a Travelodge at the A40 services. This did mean a horrible ride along the A40 but we eventually made it to our Travelodge not long after 4pm. This is where Damian's wife (Lynn) and kids (Isabelle and Olivia) were waiting to meet him after 10 days apart. We went to a local pub in Raglan called the Beaufort Arms for a lovely meal.. definitely recommended.

We finished the 4th of the 5 maps yesterday which definitely means we are close. We are now heading into hilly country again... which, with already sore muscles, is going to be tough. We covered 73 miles yesterday ...I will need to update the rest of the details when I get hold of them again. Off to Glastonbury for Day 10. See you then. The Smiley Milers
Apologies for the state of the pictures - new girl in the print room!!

Sunday 27 July 2008

Day 8 - No Comeback

Big up and big shout out to my home boyz...Kath and Tart for taking care of us, supplying us with Vimto, amazing home cooked food and incohol (hic) ...oops and not forgetting the home baked Victoria sponge and smarties ice cream!! We had a wonderful relaxing evening...thanks guys. And a very special hello and thank you to the kids - George, Annie-Grace and Connie for being so wonderful!!

We left Wigan after our cuppa and bacon balm cakes (as said in Wigan - butties to the rest of us) in gorgeous sunshine and this only got better/hotter as the day went on. The roads were fairly flat and helpful to us today so we motored on and covered over 20 miles very quickly. We were in Warrington before we knew it and had the welcome of the journey so far and this is the title of the blog. As we rode out of Warrington a elderly gentleman with a bulbous red snout and who obviously had meths on his cornflakes for breakfast shouted across to us (children turn away now) from the other side of the road "YOU DAFT B******DS" and the irony of it was we had NO COMEBACK (i.e. we couldn't disagree with him!). We continued with our ride onto Whitchurch where we met the the support team and had lunch. We met another guy at lunch who was doing the LEJOG mostly on his own over 3 admiration for him as this is hard enough with support never mind doing it on your own. The ride was again fairly OK today and uneventful until the last 4 miles when we were looking for the campsite and started to hit some very steep hills...after 75 miles this was definitely tough and particularly one which was almost vertical!! We eventual arrived at the campsite which is the best yet by far, we arrived at 5pm which has meant we can have our first BBQ, sit in the sun and fully relax. The campsite itself is extremely nice, as it says on their website the facilities are exceptionally clean and new with the shower being the best have had so far (

We have now completed around 650 miles of the challenge we have also map 3 (Ordinance Survey Maps of the UK) today and are halfway down map 4 out of 5. Tomorrow we had to Monmouth which means we are a day away from south of England!! We have looked at the map of Britain tonight and it is amazing how far we have come in 8 days. Damian sees his wife and children for the first time in 10 days tomorrow which is so motivational. It is also Monday and the start of our last week on this challenge. The mood is good and positive tonight and we are ready to tackle the remaining parts of our challenge. Thanks again for all the comments and words of support, it is really appreciated!! Stats for today are mileage covered 83 miles, 5hrs 27 mins riding time and an average speed of 15.3mph. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow. The smiley milers

Lunch at Whitchurch

Carry on Camping...
Could he be Camper?

Saturday 26 July 2008

Day 7 - Whose Cycle Lane is it Anyway?

Firstly, this is the first time I have managed to update the blog directly and my wife (Lynn) has got the night off, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for ensuring the blog as been updated as soon as I send the details..she has been doing a storming job.

After arriving at Kendal last night in the pouring rain and having to put the tent up we finally got to the pub for 8:45pm with 15 minutes to spare for dinner...otherwise we would have been starving..most of us had some of the old amber nectar and in this pub in came in the form of Black Sheep, which when down the hatch far to easily and a second one was definitely required to make sure it really was nice!!! Last night was pretty much get to the campsite, put tent up, eat and go to bed... after 93 miles we were shattered and I think all of us slept well last night. This morning we awoke to no rain and blue skies and the start of what became a gorgeous hot day. What I have not mentioned is that it was only Steve and myself (Damian) cycling today as overnight Jen's Achilles became swollen and we all advise that a rest day would be better to try and ensure she can continue on with the ride on the other days rather than try and push it and have to stop completely...this seems to have worked by tonight as Jen Achilles is feeling a lot better and she is going to give it a go tomorrow to see how it is cycling. So Steve and Damian set off at 8:40am from Kendall to Wigan...Damian only got as far as the campsite entrance to find out he had a slow puncture (very slow in fact) so we kept pumping it up for 20 miles until we met the support guys in Lancaster and a longer stop to change it. Our ride out of Kendal was fine, a few signs were missing but didn't hamper us too much as we decided to follow route 6 of the national cycle route which turned out to be a great decision as the route made for a brilliant ride through single track lanes with the sun shining down....we really enjoyed this part of the route. We also met a retired fellow pushing an hybrid bike with huge panniers on up a steep hill, as we rode past (very slowly and in 1st gear) we had a quick chat with him to find out he had come from Edinburgh and from what we could gather was just cycling a few miles a day until he had had enough....what a great life...very relaxing and no pressure to get somewhere! We pushed on and happened to make a comment between us up some hills that these were not real hills compared to what we have been up (motivational really to get up them) only to be hit by 2 big climbs...that serves us right and needless to say we didn't make such a comment again on the ride! The ride to Lancaster and in fact all day as been the easiest of the rides so far and the lowest mileage of 66 miles. It was mainly flat or long descents with a few steep climbs. We met the support guys at Lancaster where they had made us bacon cobs (balm cakes for those from Wigan!!) as we skipped breakfast to just get started with the ride....this was very welcomed and really gave us the energy to get on with the remainder of the ride. From this point forward we followed the A6 and then the A49 to Wigan these roads were pretty easy compared to anything else we had ridden and it was more a matter of riding steadily to ensure Steve's knee was OK. On this note Steve has figured out a formula for his knee....lots of Ibuprofen gel and tablets and cold compress at night seems to maintain it for him to ride with it...we just need to take it easy so we don't make it any worse. We stopped at a little garden centre cafe about 15 miles from Wigan which had a lovely sun captured outside eating area where Damian's first cuppa (yes first cuppa) of the day was very welcomed and we tried to eat melted chocolate kit kats and twix...but this was beyond our capability and left it...note to cafe...keep chocolate in a cold place!!! Unless (of course) you are trying to have some fun with your customers!!! With there only being 2 of us today and it being pretty much main roads we have forgotten to take many photos with the exception of ones under Chorley sign as for those of you who like Brian Potter this is a must have photo...we now have them.

We arrived in Wigan at 4pm to a wonderful welcome at the end of the street from Kath, Tart (otherwise know as Martin...or Tarty Marty), George, Annie-Grace and Connie..they clapped and cheered us to their house and also welcomed us with the traditional Wigan Ice cold Vimto....very lovely..thank you so much! This was the first day we have finished our ride fairly early in the day so after a shower a nice cold beer in the garden, in the sunshine was very good...aaaaahhhh!!!.

Kath and Tart is our place of sleep tonight, they have cooked us meals for the evening....even catering for Vegetarians (Jen and Dave) which is normally unheard of in Wigan...Martin was shocked when I told him the news Vegetarians were staying....Dave and Jen have took the banter well with Dave planning his revenge!!! K&M have gone out for the evening and left us home we have had a huge party, drew on the walls and put fish in odd places (use your imagination) ...oh and nearly forgot, as per usual Kath opened the customary bottle of champagne before she went out.. to celebrate "something"....I don't think we really listen or cared about the reason it just went down well ...after Damo had popped the cork.

Right - Why the title for today? Steve and Damian have been carrying out an extensive survey across Scotland and the north of England. We have discovered that many cycle lanes are less than 50 yards (this is less than 3 pedals worth) and generally have a start or an end but never both. In other words totally useless for cyclists. So who are cycle lanes actually for? we think they are generally there to make wide roads thinner so cars cant overtaken and to slow them down, so they are not really cycling lanes. We have yet in 550 miles to find a cycle lane that is actually of any use and helpful to cyclists. In addition to this where they are longer than 50 yards there are normally cars parked on them or they are full of debris and (back to the tarmac discussion made of rough surfaces that no normal road bike can ever travel on). I wont go on so the questions to you bloggers are: Who are cycle lanes actually for? and do you know of a cycle lane that is actually of any use?

Our Stats for today is 66 miles covered, just under 5 hrs riding time and an average of 14.2mph.

We have larger mileage tomorrow (around 80 miles) from Wigan to Ruckley (south of Shrewsbury)...Jen is looking good for getting back on the bike, Jaimie (Steve's wife) has now arrived in Wigan to join the support teams pub tour of Britain and apparently it is going to be another nice we go again for Day 8.

The Smiley Milers

P.S. The donations are still coming in and the comments are great so thank you to everyone for supporting us.

Damo & Steve arrive in sunny Chorley!

Friday 25 July 2008

Day 6 - Lying Gits

Today was a big day covering 93 miles from Dumfries to Kendal. We had a great night last night with our friends in Dumfries, we risked going for a curry not knowing the impact of such a risk when sitting (yes I said sitting) on our saddles for 7 hrs the next day! We would like to thank Phil and Mo for their great hospitality on 2 occasions now, they have really made us feel welcome, feeding us, watering us and even washing our a huge thanks to you Phil and Mo...very much appreciated! We left Dumfries at 8:40 in the lovely sunshine heading towards Gretna Green, the roads were generally good in terms of the hills but again the tarmac or more to the point, the lack of it on many roads didn't make some of the ride that easy. However, again some good country roads and scenery made our route worthwhile. When we got to Gretna Green we were pulled over by a man called Kenny who was so excited at what we were doing as he had just finished doing the LEJOG last week also for Cancer Research. This was typical Scottish friendliness that we have had all the way through this journey and it was nice in that this friendliness ended our time in Scotland as Gretna was also where we left Scotland for England. We were met by our support Jon, Laura and now Dave at the first and last house of Scotland with ice lattes which on this scorching sunshiny day was very welcome! We took some photos here and continued on into England. One the things we wondered was whether people really did turn from having a Scottish accent on one side of the border and an English one on the other....we tested this using a small pub on the English side of the border and our friend Kenny in Gretna and there is definitely a change depending on which side of the border you are on!! We then rode down some lovely lanes to meet the guys again for lunch in the sun. After lunch we met a huge steep hill straight away that was definitely not welcomed after eating...but spirits were high today and we all cycled well today, Steve's knee has had its issues however it has lasted the day and he has rode very well. Jen's knee problems from yesterday seem to have gone away...all good then. The afternoon cycling was geared towards the famous Shap Hill which we met at the 80 mile stage. This is where we explain the title - everyone tells you how good the weather is going to be, how flat the roads are going to be, how good the tarmac is going to be and gentle the terrain is going be and to be honest they are all "LYING GITS". So just before we met the Shap Hill we met two people in Shap one of whom said the Shap Hill was 5 miles away and incredibly steep and the other said it was just down the road and fairly easy as towed his daughter up the hill. The second was more accurate however there are actually 3 hills to climb but the Shap Hill (although a long and a steady incline) wasn't as hard as some of the other hills, so our fears re this hill were never really met. What was good was the desent, a great fast and winding downhill to enjoy. We got about 5 mins from the campsite and the heavens opened - we got drenched as we had put our rain gear in the van earlier because the weather had been scorching. We put up our tent in the rain, got showered and went to the pub for a few Black Sheep recovery drinks. The one story we have to tell you is Laura getting locked in the back of the van and nobody realising and it was only when Damian went to get something out of the van did he get the surprise to see Laura trying to unsuccessfully pick the lock to get out! It was a 'you had to be there' moment but worth telling to embarrass Laura. Off to Wigan tomorrow...see you then. Stats for the day....covered 93 miles in 6hrs 49mins riding time at an average of 13.4mph. Good to see all the comments please keep them coming! The smiley milers.

The three Muskateers...

Thursday 24 July 2008

Day 5 - Theres Something About Tarmac?

We awoke this morning in Dunvegan House on the Isle of Arran and with the prospect of doing over 80 miles without Dave. We initially had a calm start with a lovely breakfast looking out to sea. Dunvegan House is one of the more formal B&Bs we have stayed at but very nice, friendly and definitely recommended...also very useful for the Ferry as the port is 500 yards away. I said the start was initially calm as the time went very quickly and all of sudden we were sprinting for the the end we were the last people on the Ferry waiting for us to get on so they could shut the door! When we were on the Ferry we met a couple who were also cycling the JOGLE for a mountain rescue charity but they were doing it the sensible way and doing it in over 3 weeks and having rest days. The Ferry was good it was one like the type you would get across to France unlike the previous days ferry which an open drive on and drive ferry (why am I telling you this - tiredness I would suggest…) We arrived at Ardrossan sorted ourselves and got on our way. Upon cycling out of Ardrossan a bloke shouted us to stop, we pulled over and quickly realised it was a bloke we spoke to at the Oban campsite. He pulled us over to see if we wanted a coffee and to find out how he could keep up to date on our progress ...we weren’t able to stop as we had just started for the day but as ever from our time in Scotland everybody has been so friendly and supportive of us. In terms of our actual ride today it was pretty uneventful with the exception of TARMAC...the roads today were last maintained in the year 1536, absolutely awful, boneshaking, bike breaking roads which are very hard to ride on plus add all the pot holes and your average ride time very quickly comes to single figures - we do now have vibration white finger (Dave thinks everybody will know what this is ...if not look it up and provide answers on a postcard...well on our comments page). The good news is the sun was out all day and Damian's white panda eyes are getting whiter! So we are now Tarmac specialists and do know the differences between silk tarmac and tarmac made out of granite after an earthquake. We prefer silk. Anyway on with the was a hard day but it was made a lot easier by the fact that the support vehicle met us every 20 miles which was very motivating. We did stop in a place called Delmellington for lunch although there wasn’t much choice for food and where we did eat it took an age for the food to come so we just had to get going and the van bought the food to us 10 miles later. We rode the last 20 miles with both Jen and Steve struggling with their knees, Steve in particular has a swollen knee and tomorrow will be a real test of his ability to continue. We are realising that this ride and the pace we doing it at - no amount of training can prepare you for this and we are definitely being tested. We arrived at Phil and Mo's ‘B&B’ in Dumfries - which we can definitely recommend - to a warm welcome and cuppa at 7pm. I have missed a lot of today’s ride out as it was pretty straight forward, hilly and fairly hard but largely uneventful. Our stats for today are: 86 miles in 6hrs 15 mins and an average of 13.7mph. Our ride tommorrow is the biggest and one of the hardest of the ride at 91 miles and covering Shap and Cumbria....Here we go...! Thanks all for reading and again please come back and keep commenting. The sponsorship is still going up which is just brilliant. Thanks to you all. The Smiley Milers.

Day 4 - "Absolutely GUTTED..."

Before I can begin the blog and the start of day 4, I have to say what happened at the end of it. We have had very bad news - Dave seriously hurt his Achilles tendons, went to A&E & was told he will cause lots more damage if he continues with the ride...Thus Dave has had to pull out and that explains the title of today’s blog - Absolutely GUTTED. The good news is that Dave has really helped us to get a third of the way through this challenge covering 322 miles of our ride and very often leading from the front...we are still the Smiley Milers and we will continue on as one team to raise an enormous amount of money for Cancer Research. On with the blog...

Today started a lot earlier than yesterday - 8:30 as we realised it’s much better to do this and we also had to make sure we made the ferry in Claonaig! The campsite was good in every way in terms of the quality of the pitches, the views were amazing, the owners very nice, the only issue we had here was that the toilet and shower facilities were very poor which is also why we managed to leave fairly early as Damian is the only one who risked the morning shower (mainly due to his obsession with showers...even crap ones!) We set off without a cuppa or breakfast just to get on the road we eventually stopped for breakfast after 20 miles at a village called Kilmelford at a hotel called Cuilfail( ). The hotel had actually stopped serving and the chef (Andy) and waitress (Betty) were having their breakfast, instead of turning us away they gave us the best breakfast we have had so far and they also gave us 3 twix's each to help us on our way. They were brilliant and we would recommend anybody to stop here! We continue on with weather on our side all day today riding a very good steady pace for a further 25 miles eventually stopping for a quick cuppa at Tarbert. This had to be quick as we were riding out of skins to get on the 15:05 ferry otherwise we would have to wait over an hour for the next one. We turned of the main road onto a single track lane basically to the ferry port ...this where Dave decided to eat a fly (calls himself a vegetarian!) and spend a good few precious minutes vomiting. The ferry port sign said 4.5 miles and we had no more than 15 mins...what we didn’t know was it was pretty much 3.5 miles of climbs which were very hard going given the pace we had been going at already and then a quick descent to the port. We made it and guess what...the boat was late and didn’t arrive for another 10 mins...but at least we were there! Whilst waiting for the ferry an old lady gave us a £5 donation, we have had wonderful support and generosity from our Scottish friends all the way has been excellent. Once on the ferry we spent the time trying to find Dave medical attention for his Achilles problem, we eventual spoke to the already know the rest. Once on the Isle of Arran we had a pretty long and steep climb, however Arran is just beautiful and with the sun out this climb was not too much of a problem. We had a gentle descent into a place called Corrie where Damian's sister, family and friends were on holiday. We arrived to a huge warm welcome, lots of tea and biscuits and the local press. This was just fantastic and we stayed for over an hour when eventually we had to concede it would be good to finish the remaining 6 miles and get to the B&B. Our B&B was very nice and recommended the owners were friendly and it is literally 500 yards from the ferry port ( . So a good days riding but a very, very bad day as we have lost Dave from the cycling part of the team. Here on in it is going to be extremely hard our physical and mental strength has already been tested a few times…Please continue to give us comments it really does help us on our way. We covered 81 miles, 5:43 hrs riding time at an average of 14.3 mph today. Thanks for reading – The Smiley Milers.

Waiting for the ferry at Claonaig

The beautiful Isle of Arran

Arriving at the B&B in Brodick

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Day 3 - "Mate"

Today the abuse started and we made a rule that you can only abuse each other and get away with it if it finished with "mate". Try it and see where you end up! The campsite last night in Fort Augustus was very good and recommended ( ), the facilities were clean and new. The day started late at 10:40 as we made the most of a nice morning and made ourselves a cooked breakfast...all very nice and civilised. Once set off the sun was with us in the morning and rain came in the afternoon however compared yesterday the roads were kind to us all day albeit busy. In terms the ride today it wasn't very eventful although the scenery was just fantastic as it has been on the journey so far. We stopped on route for a cuppa at Spean Bridge in the sunshine and then continued onwards around Ben Nevis to Fort William. We reached Fort William after 31 mile and decided to stop for lunch. After lunch the rain started and lasted the remaining 50 miles to Oban at which point it stopped whilst we put up our tents and then it started again. Damian arrived at the campsite to a parcel from his daughters Isabelle and Olivia which was 2 lovely cards and homemade brandy snap from Isabelle. How great was that at the end of the 3rd day when you are just aching and in pain. After pitching the tent it was already 9pm so we have quickly headed off for a pizza and pint and are going to get to bed as we have got to get off early tomorrow to make sure we make the ferry in time to get across to the Isle of Arran. Sorry its not the most eventful blog today but it has been a straight, long, head down ride. We covered 81 miles, in 5hrs 15 mins ride time at an average of 14.6. If you have not spotted yet our average time is getting less but that may be because the bruised muscles are getting more!. Happy blogging and update you tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
The Smiley Milers.
Lunchstop at Fort William & evening in Oban.

Monday 21 July 2008

Day 2 - Bye Bye "HenterTAINment", Hello Fort Augustus!

Wow, what a glorious day it has been - great weather today, the complete opposite of yesterday and we have made the most of it! The B&B we stayed at last was great and highly recommended and the views from rooms were spectacular - The hosts were great and very accommodating to Dave’s jokes...we are now getting bored of the “Hentertain joke” as it has now moved to the singer who was rooster williams...we only have this for another 11 days! Our B&B hosts also gave us £10 towards the cause...brilliant. The ride from Tain to Inverness was very good, not only was the weather great the roads were mainly flat. We stopped at a place called Invergordon where a local gave a little history of Invergordon and also £3! We arrived at Inverness after 40 miles and decided to stop at a lovely little cafe overlooking the river and sat and had our lunch in the sunshine. After we set off on what can only be described a torturous climb - the biggest and longest hill in the world ever, it just kept going and going and we were convinced it was never going to end! Just when we thought we could see the top and we put a last push on to get there wasn’t the was very hard and painful for all of us. We continued onwards and thought that was the major climb wrong we were! About 5 miles from Fort Augustus we then hit another hill although probably not as bad as the climb earlier it felt harder as we had rode 68 miles and were knackered. The last climb was hard and again when we got to the top wasn’t really the top. Although we could see an amazing view of the mountains and the road ahead we could also see another huge, long climb with a steep and curving end to the top...this was again hard and painful. However, from this point on it was pretty much a downhill into Fort Augustus. It wasn’t until we turned into the campsite that it started to rain and we quickly put the last tent up - Laura and Jon had already got two of them up which was brilliant. We were setup within 30 mines then had a great shower and came back to a lovely cup of tea made by welcome was that. We are now sat in another restaurant having our customary 1 pint and then off to bed for an early night. Tomorrow we head off to Oban, covering the same sort of mileage...hopefully less hard climbs. Our mileage today was 73, average 14.6 and we did it in 5hrs 15 mines. We hope you are enjoying reading our blogs and please add comments as it really helps the old motivation...having said that it is such a fantastic motivation to know we have raise over £11k for Cancer Research already! Also have to mention that at the cafe in Inverness a lady gave us £5 and, although this sounds a bit wrong, a guy in the campsite showers over heard Steve and I talking about the day, asked us about it and then gave us £5!

Speak tomorrow.
The Smiley Milers.
p.s. Forgot to say when were in a place called Alness we thought we would use the public wrong we were we parked our bikes and waled the 500 yards back to the toilets with our stiff legs and cycle shoes (which isnt easy) the toilet cost 20p which we didnt have on us as they were in the bike bags..given we were wearing our cancer research cycle tops we said to the attendant can we go now and bring you the money after....the answer was a straight no. We only had 1 x 20p which we kindly gave to jen...the toilets were crap anyway (excuse the pun!).
If you look carefully, you can just make out Steve - in a pub - drinking HOT CHOCOLATE!!