Monday 7 July 2008

Training 1.5 weeks to go (Damo)

Managed to get out and do 29 miles tonight my average was down but given this was my first proper outing in a week I was fairly pleased. Still a tough training ride as the physical side was hard due to having got up twice in the night with Issy and got up at 5:45 for work. The mental side is just tough as I just want to get on with it now. The 29 miles I did tonight was mainly tackling as many hills as I could and as 19 miles and just after doing 2 climbs I came to a big climg and could have turned left down the hill or right to go up the hill....and yes the competitive spirit got the best of me and I turned right which I am really pleased about as it added another 10 mile to the route and I did it. The legs are feeling it tonight but I think that is because I havent really rode in a week and so hopefully a few more days riding and I will be back to where I was a couple of weeks ago. Short update tonight and sorry its not that cheerful but looking back hopefully it will show the ups and downs of a memory for preparing for such a challenge. Off to finish the detail for the route cards so toodle pip. Damo

1 comment:

Cactusnic said...

I am impressed you turned right! Well done, I am definately a turn left type of guy. ;-)

Good luck with those route cards and all your preparations. You are doing fantastically with the fundraising! Well done.

Nick of