Tuesday 29 July 2008

Day 9: Downhills and Sunshine

Kenley Barn....what a fantastic campsite; well recommended for any camping/touring holiday not just for those of us doing a JOGLE. Today the sun continued to shine even hotter than yesterday and even earlier. We got up this morning, had a great shower as this is amazing at Kenley Barn campsite, and before we got on our way had a couple of donations. The first came from one of the other guests (out of the 3 groups of us) the granny of the family came up to us and blessed us on our ride and gave us £20, how fabulous is that? Also when we were leaving ,the campsite owner told us that the cost of our stay was going to be donated back, which equalled another £45. So another £65 for the pot. We have had this sort of generosity all along the ride.

We rode out of the campsite and immediately hit a very steep hill and because it was within the first mile of the ride it was pretty tortuous.. well it warms the muscles up quickly! The roads were undulating today but, with the sun shining, we quickly got 20 miles under our belt and were in Ludlow having some breakfast and a cuppa. We didn’t stop for long and decided to get another 30 miles completed before we stopped for lunch. The 30 miles took us the whole length of the A49 to Wormelow which is where we had tea and cream scones for the first time ...must mean we are getting closer to our final destination :-) After lunch we had a further 20 miles to cover which were fairly uneventful apart from a few very unwelcome climbs, particularly into Monmouth and with sun beating down (not complaining though) this made it even harder. We made it through Monmouth and tonight we were staying at a Travelodge at the A40 services. This did mean a horrible ride along the A40 but we eventually made it to our Travelodge not long after 4pm. This is where Damian's wife (Lynn) and kids (Isabelle and Olivia) were waiting to meet him after 10 days apart. We went to a local pub in Raglan called the Beaufort Arms for a lovely meal.. definitely recommended.

We finished the 4th of the 5 maps yesterday which definitely means we are close. We are now heading into hilly country again... which, with already sore muscles, is going to be tough. We covered 73 miles yesterday ...I will need to update the rest of the details when I get hold of them again. Off to Glastonbury for Day 10. See you then. The Smiley Milers
Apologies for the state of the pictures - new girl in the print room!!


the smiths said...

Well done Guys!!

Another day over. Wish we could have joined you for tea and scones.

Bike joke of the day on its way shortly.

Love The Smithies xx

the smiths said...

bike joke of the day!

Dave and Jen have just climbed Le Alp de Huez, one of the steepest peaks in the Alps on their tandem.

"Phew, that was a tough climb" said Dave, leaning over, breathing hard. "That climb was so hard, and we were going so slow, I thought we were never going to make it."

"Yeah, good thing I kept the brakes on," said Jen, "or we'd have slid all the way back down!"

Another tomorrow!

Keep it up guys!

Blogsmile said...

Hello smileys,

Congratulations on another great day. A load more miles behind you. One more book to do, only a few inches on the map! Hope all goes well today, keep smilin'

Mo and Keef

damos mum said...

Sounds a fantastic day "barring the hills" That beer sure keeps you going. Great seeing Lynn and the girls for you damo.

Not long to go (its still pointing downwards on the map, so I dont know where them hills are coming from.

Must keep thanking support team for all their hard work with you, I hear Jamies there too with Dave Laura and Jon, Hi all of you!!

Yep your flagging now but not much further.

Tarty Marty said...

The Union Inn on Fore Street in Dolton apparently does very good home made pies when you get there... you know what to do!

When you get chance, or in fact asap, you really should click on


You'll see why

The end really does seem to be coming into view - I decided that I'll miss these blog things of an evening, so have signed you up to do the Lands End to Barcelona cycle ride, starting Saturday.
You're registered as "Los Milla Sonriente con les piernas esbeltas y sed de cerveza"