Wednesday 30 July 2008

Day 10 - Uphill and Rainy

This morning started off promising in terms of the weather. We were able to sort the bikes out and pack off Lynn, Jaimie and the kids, and we set off on our 66 mile bike ride heading for breakfast in about 15-20 miles. Within 20 minutes the heavens opened and that lasted for pretty much the whole ride. Today was always going to be a fairly tough ride as we were heading into the hilly south and it didn't fail us - we hit a huge hill as soon as we started which really helped the old muscles warm, and all the way to breakfast we had some good(?) hills. After breakfast we headed for Bristol and again the hills did not fail us as we passed through Chepstow and headed towards the Severn Road Bridge. This was definitely a highlight of the trip, as just riding across the bridge and the views were amazing... really glad we got the chance to go across the bridge. We hit Bristol city centre, which seemed a very nice place and somewhere we would like to visit again, after asking a couple of people to point us in the right direction and out the other side of Bristol we had got through it and were heading towards lunch. Before I continue, it must be stated that the signposts in England are not as good as those in Scotland. This is really noticeable and doesn't help, as you end up stop/starting throughout the ride. The rain did stop as we passed through Bristol and the sun came out for a bit. We stopped at the Travellers Rest for a pub lunch; they had stopped serving but still gave us lunch to help us on our journey. The landlord also donated £20 to us. The support we are having and the donations have just continued throughout this journey which is fantastic. From here the support guys headed for campsite at Glastonbury as we did, however there were a number of huge climbs to tackle and then a wonderful descent into Wells which made the climbs almost worthwhile, and it did lift our spirits to push on to the campsite. We arrived at the campsite at about 5pm ish to the tents already being put up... which, after the ride and hills, was really really welcomed.. not forgetting the nice cuppa as well. The campsite (the Old Oaks touring park) was fantastic with excellent facilities and we would definitely recommend this to anyone. We went into Glastonbury for the evening and had great pizzas at Gigis - again definitely recommended. Damian (as usual) over ordering head on, but on this occasion the gannets finished it all off. We then went to the pub for a bit of rescue remedy, otherwise known as beer. (Dave keeps going on about him driving and drinking so I have pointed this out here). None of us had been to Glastonbury before and we all really liked the town and would like to head back there again. So all in all, a tough wet, muggy and hilly day - but we did it. We covered 66 miles in 5hrs 13 mins riding time at an average of 12.6. Tomorrow we will be very near to the landing spot of Lands End ... we will be in Devon at a place called Dolton. Apologies for the deay in the blog updates, but we are having problems with phone reception... pigeons are on order! See you tomorrow. The smiley milers.


the smiths said...

Just to let you know it's been glorious sunshine all day here!! Sunny Nottingham.

Well done for another great effort today.

All our love
The Smithies xx

Blogsmile said...

You are all doing a fantastic job. Nobody can imagine the sheer effort involved in getting in the saddle each morning, and pedalling all those miles - it seems a long way in a car!! So a brilliant performance again - and not forgetting the vital back-up team, Dave,Laura and Jon.

By the way, we are arranging for Securicor to meet you in Lands End to bring home all the donations you have collected on the way!

Justgiving total stands at £6711, plus donations from other sources, what a magnificent achievement.

Keep smilin' everybody, nearly there, we're all thinking of you all the way.


Moand keef

damos mum said...

Shame about the reception for updating your blog, been waiting in anticipation for them, but still it can't be helped.
Bristol is a good place, went a few years ago.

Well done for conquering those hills on such a day. The usual beer will have helped end the day. By the way I was going to ask that man in Warington with the bulbous red nose for any tips for you lot.

Its great about the support you are having and the cash donations from people. Oh and well done Jen for putting up with steve and Damo so long, you deserve a medal for that alone.

Nearly there now. Been looking forward to your progress so

the smiths said...

bike joke of the day!

"I've really had it with my dog," said Steve to Damian. "He'll chase anyone on a bicycle"

"Hmmm, that is a problem," said Damian. "What are you thinking of doing about it?"

"Guess the only answer is to confiscate his bike!"

Pie Spice said...

Well done smiley milers! Not far to go now. Am enjoying the bike jokes! Have you thought what adventure you'll have next summer?!

Damo's Sister said...

Hiya guys and girl,

So great to hear that you're close to the end and stll smiling (or is that gritted teeth on the picture? - I suppose it keeps the flies out!)

Well done and here's to lovely weather for the final leg and the jolly old rest at the end of it.

Driving from Skye to Leicestershire felt an endurance test - so really well done!

Big kiss and hug

Deb, James and the gang